Hi, my name is Abigail!

These are the projects I have made so far with Glitch.

Get Started With Glitch

My first project was to explore glitch. I introduced myself and added an emoji that I felt was representative of me. I was able to try new shapes, colors and, ideas in this project!

First Project.

Name Project

My second project was to code my name out of shapes only. It was to show that I could create my first name in Glitch by using custom functions for each letter while keeping my code neat. I first made a design for my name then coded it all on Glitch. I then was able to add things to my project, like a photo of one of my favorite things in the world, which is the water. I could also add a button that could pronounce my name and a box with a description of why my name is Abigail when pressed.

Name Project.